Potential Participants

Each participating Oregon licensing board has different HPSP eligibility requirements. Currently the Oregon Medical Board, Board of Nursing, Board of Dentistry, and Board of Pharmacy participate in HPSP. Click on the tab for the appropriate board to learn more.

Monitoring for the Oregon State Board of Nursing

In October, 2022, the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) voted to discontinue participation in HPSP. As a result, OSBN licensees who have come to the attention of the Board no longer have access to a confidential alternative to discipline option. Any disciplinary action taken by the Board will remain on the licensee’s public record in perpetuity.

Current OSBN-licensed participants in HPSP are permitted to remain in the program until they successfully complete or are terminated from the program due to non-compliance.

Monitoring Services Include:

  • Random Toxicology Testing
  • Worksite Monitoring
  • Agreement Monitors
  • Weekly reporting by licensees
  • Independent Third Party Evaluations
  • Medical Review Officer oversight
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for daily testing requirements
  • Care Coordination
  • Safe practice evaluations (self-referrals only)

Still have questions? Please feel free to call us at (888)802-2843 or email at hpsp@uprisehealth.com

Monitoring for the Oregon Board of Dentistry

In June 2024, the Oregon State Board of Dentistry (OBD) voted to discontinue participation in HPSP. As a result, OBD licensees who have come to the attention of the OBD will no longer have access to a confidential alternative to discipline option.

Current OBD-licensed participants in HPSP are permitted to remain in the program until they successfully complete or are terminated from the program due to non-compliance.

Monitoring Services Include:

  • Random Toxicology Testing
  • Worksite Monitoring (If not self-employed)
  • Agreement Monitors
  • Weekly reporting by licensees
  • Independent Third Party Evaluations
  • Medical Review Officer oversight
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for daily testing requirements
  • Care Coordination
  • Safe practice evaluations

Still have questions? Please feel free to call us at (888)802-2843 or email at hpsp@uprisehealth.com

Monitoring for the Oregon Medical Board

HPSP is an alternative to disciplinary action or may be part of a disciplinary action by the Oregon Medical Board for any licensee who has come to the attention of the board and has a substance use disorder and/or mental health disorder. Participation in HPSP is confidential for all licensees enrolled in the program and information is released only with signed consent from the licensee or in accordance with state or federal law.

Licensees may enter HPSP under one of the following categories:

Board Referral – Licensees may be referred to HPSP by the Oregon Medical Board as a result of impaired professional practice or behavior and must have a substance use disorder and/or mental health disorder.

Self-Referral – If not currently under investigation by the Board, licensees may choose to self-refer to HPSP for monitoring if they have a substance use disorder and/or mental health disorder. Licensees who self-refer to HPSP and successfully complete five years of monitoring, without having any non-compliance events, will graduate the program without Board involvement.

Monitoring Services Include:

  • Random Toxicology Testing
  • Worksite Monitoring
  • Agreement Monitors
  • Weekly reporting by licensees
  • Periodic Monitoring Consultants-monthly/quarterly
  • Group Monitoring Consultants-weekly group for two years
  • Independent Third Party Evaluations
  • Medical Review Officer oversight
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for random toxicology testing check-in
  • Care Coordination
  • Safe practice evaluations (self-referrals only)

Still have questions? Please feel free to call us at (888)802-2843 or email at hpsp@uprisehealth.com

Monitoring for the Oregon Board of Pharmacy

Pharmacists who have come to the attention of the board and have a diagnosis of substance use disorder and/or mental health disorder may be referred to the HPSP program by the Oregon Board of Pharmacy as an alternative to disciplinary action or as part of the disciplinary action. Participation in HPSP is confidential and information released is done with a signed consent from the participant except as required by state or federal law.

Licensees may enter HPSP under one of the following categories:

Board Referral – Licensees may be referred to HPSP by the Oregon Board of Pharmacy as a result of impaired professional practice or behavior and must have a substance use disorder and/or mental health disorder.

Self-Referral – If not currently under investigation by the Board, licensees may choose to self-refer to HPSP for monitoring if they have a substance use disorder and/or mental health disorder. Licensees who self-refer to HPSP and successfully complete five years of monitoring, without having any non-compliance events, will graduate the program without Board involvement.

Monitoring Services Include:

  • Random Toxicology Testing
  • Worksite Monitoring
  • Agreement Monitors
  • Weekly reporting by licensees
  • Independent Third Party Evaluations
  • Medical Review Officer oversight
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for daily testing requirements
  • Care Coordination
  • Safe practice evaluations (self-referrals only)

Still have questions? Please feel free to call us at (888)802-2843 or email at hpsp@uprisehealth.com